Lineage of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi
Lineage is a key part of any tai chi credential, due to the way traditional tai chi is passed down through generations–by oral teachings.
First Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners–Founders
- Wu Yuxiang (1812-1880)
2nd Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
- Li Yiyu (1832-1892)
3rd Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
- Hao Weizhen (1849-1920)
4th Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
- Hao Yuehru (1877-1935) – Son of Hao Weizhen
5th Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
- Hao Shaoru (1907-1983) – Son of Hao Yuehru
6th Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
Disciples of Hao Shaoru:
- Liu Jishun
- Pu Gong-da (1905-1998)
7th Generation of Wu (Hao) Tai Chi Practioners
Disciples of Master Liu Jishun:
- China
- 徐奇, 陳仁傑, 李志榮, 王小綸, 潘廣文, 李展鵬, 樊惠榮, 龔藝, 鄭小龍
- 劉冬, 劉青, Jon Thomas
- Michael Chang, John Rambo, John Su, Frank Cheng
- Feng-mao Wang, Steve Pitzer, Jack Liou, Xiaonan Zhang, Judy Ho, Barbara Chang, Sherman Tam, Edmond Tam, Vera Chan, Xiaofeng Cheng , 龐嘉生 (Chao-sun Pang), 余紫薇 (Gin Yu), Nick Huang